Brad Cokelet

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Wescoe Hall, Room 3083
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
I was born in Montana but grew up in upstate New York. Earned undergraduate degrees in Math and Religious Studies at Washington University (St. Louis) and then, after a brief stint as a social worker, an M.A. in Philosophy from University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Finally, earned my Ph.D at Northwestern University under the direction of Richard Kraut.
Research —
Interdisciplinary work
- Methodology of Virtue Science
Normative Ethics
- Virtue Theory & Virtue Ethics
- Moral Psychology
- Well-being
- Normativity/Reasons
- Confucianism
- Buddhism
- Stoicism
Empirical Studies
- Studies of trait fairness & the impact of ethics classes on student behavior.
Teaching —
I have taught a wide range of classes including Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Chinese Philosophy, Kant, Critical Theory and its Historical Roots, and Moral Philosophy.
I currently regularly teach Introduction to Ethics, Chinese Thought, Contemporary Ethical Theory, and seminars on topics in Ethics and its history.