Marcy Lascano

Photo of Marcy Lascano
  • Professor

Contact Info

Wescoe Hall, Room 3070
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045


I went to the University of Washington for my undergraduate degrees in English and Philosophy, with a classics minor. I then received my Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in February 2006. I previously taught at California State University, Long Beach before joining the faculty at KU in the Fall of 2018. I work on the recovery and re-evaluation of women philosophers. I am Co-Editor with Lewis Powell of the History of Philosophy–Early Modern Section for Philosophy Compass, an editorial Consultant for the History of Philosophy Quarterly, an Advisory Board member for Oxford New Histories of Philosophy, an Advisory Board Member forProject Vox, and a Team Member of New Narratives in the History of Philosophy Project.



My main area of research is Early Modern Philosophy. I focus on women philosophers, including Margaret Cavendish, Anne Conway, Mary Astell,  Damaris Masham, and Emilie du Châtelet. But also do work on G.W. Leibniz and John Locke. Within early modern studies my focus in on  Metaphysics, History of Science, and Philosophical Theology. My recent publications include: The Metaphysics of Margaret Cavendish and Anne Conway: Monism, Vitalism, and Self-Motion. Oxford University Press, 2023; Early Modern Philosophy. Co-edited with Lisa Shapiro, Broadview Press, 2021; Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought, co-edited with Eileen O’Neill (Springer, 2019); and an Online edition: Margaret Cavendish’s Philosophical and Physical Opinions, 1663. Edited by Marcy P. Lascano. Open access:


I regularly teach an introductory course on the meaning of life (PHIL 170), and I teach early modern courses, and courses on women philosophers. I am also interested in the history of philosophy of science.