Thomas M. Tuozzo

- Professor
Contact Info
Wescoe Hall, Room 3080
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Major Interests
Ancient moral psychology
Ancient theories of causation
Moral psychology
Representative Publications
Plato's Charmides. Positive Elenchus in a "Socratic" Dialogue. Cambridge University Press: New York and Cambridge, 2011.
"Aristotle and the Discovery of the Efficient Cause," in T. Schmalz, ed., Efficient Causation. Oxford Philosophical Concepts. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2014. Pp. 23-47.
"Aristotle's Theory of the Good and Its Causal Basis," Phronesis 40 (1995) 293-314.
Research —
Research interests:
- PlatoAristotlePre-SocraticsAncient moral psychologyAncient theories of causation
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- ancient philosophy
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Pre-Socratics
- Hellenistic philosophy
- History of Ethics